Leslie Brown

Welcome to KNHS! My name is Leslie Brown, and it is my honor to serve the Knob Noster School District and our community as the high school principal. I am beginning my 25th year in education, 12 years of which I served as a special education teacher and the last 12 years as an administrator. I am excited to begin my fourth year at KNHS!
My husband Doug and I have five children and two grandchildren. We enjoy lifting weights, camping, fishing, working outside on the farm, and spending time with family.
I believe in each student and the unique strengths they possess, both known and unknown. I believe that each child deserves an advocate and adults who remind them of their value and worth. At KNHS, we are fiercely committed to supporting our students academically to achieve their highest potential and to emotionally be their best selves. We welcome our military families as they join together with our hometown families to give each student "roots and wings!" We are proud to make KNHS your home, no matter how long you have been with us.
I look forward to working with you to create the best experiences for our students! Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have. Thank you in advance for your partnership!
I believe that this next school year will be an amazing year together!
Mrs. Brown can be reached at [email protected]