William Dow

Hello! My name is William Dow, and this will be my first year serving as the Knob Noster High School Assistant Principal. It is an honor and a privilege to serve the amazing kids and community of Knob Noster. As a 2003 graduate of KNHS, I am grateful for the opportunity to come back home and help continue the strong culture of excellence here at KNHS! I am beginning my 17th year in education, eight years of which I served as a PE/Health teacher and the last eight years as an administrator.
My wife and I have two children, Liam and Claire and one dog named Nellie. Our hobbies as a family are anything sports, fishing, golf cart rides, and enjoying time with family and friends.
As an administrator, I strive to build strong, positive relationships with our students and families. My goal each day is to be an advocate for our kids, teachers, and staff members. My outlook every day will be positive and uplifting, and my hopes are to be the person that the people of KNHS need. I was very fortunate to have amazing educators during my time at Knob Noster High School, and I look forward to giving back to the students and staff of KNHS!
My favorite quote is “be the person you needed when you were younger,” and I strive to be that every day for our students.
I look forward to our future here at KNHS and the amazing opportunities we have for our students! Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have.
Mr. Dow can be reached at [email protected]