Welcome to the KNHS Library Media Center
The Library Media Center, or LMC for short, is a great way to find information quickly. We have a wide selection of research books, biographies, fiction and even magazines and newspapers to entertain and stimulate the brain. There are desktop computers with access to the internet for research purposes.
The Destiny link can be found on home page of the KNHS website. Destiny is our online card catalog. Our librarian, Mrs. Wood and our library aides can point you in the right direction if you need help. If you want a suggestion on something to read, just ask one of the library aides or Mrs. Wood. The LMC is a great place for you to read, finish homework or study in a quiet place. Stop by the LMC today.
Visit the following website to see the latest happenings in the Knob Noster High School LMC as well as helpful educational links.
KNHS LMC Webpage