Attendance Number: (660) 563-2283 ext. 5506
Knob Noster High School is committed to the philosophy that every student should attend every class every day. Regular attendance and promptness are expected in all classes and are essential for success in school. Learning to participate in group discussions, developing an appreciation for the views and abilities of other students, and forming the habit of regular attendance are legitimate objectives for any course. Learning lost due to absence can never be adequately replaced.
Please familiarize yourself with the attendance office procedures to ensure continued success. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
It is the responsibility of parents to contact the attendance office and state the reason for your child's absence. The attendance office number is (660) 563-2283 ext. 5506. For your convenience, voice mail will be in operation at night and before school hours in the morning. Please call before 9:30 a.m. if your child will be absent from school.
Students unaccounted for will be placed on a telephone call list. An automated system will contact those parents on the same day of the absence as a safety precaution in case of accidents, etc.
If parents are unable to report an absence on the day it occurs, a phone call or note must be provided to the attendance office on the day the child returns to school.
All students arriving late or leaving early must report directly to the attendance office. When students leave the campus during the school day, a telephone call from the parent is required and permit-to-leave-building slip secured from the attendance office. If students return during the day, he or she must sign in at the office and obtain an admit slip.
The following information will help when you call the attendance number to report an absence:
1. Your name and relationship to the student
2. Student's name and spelling of last name
3. Reason for absence
4. Date of absence